Today is International Typewriter Day 2020, June 23. Over at the USS North Carolina Battleship Facebook page they have a great posting about it.
Before beginning, my thanks to stamp club buddy Jimmy for sending it to me.
International Typewriter Day 2020
I’m including an image of it and the text excerpt follows it.
And here is the text excerpt.
“Today is Typewriter Day, when the anniversary of the granting of a patent to American inventor Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868 is celebrated!Many kids have been fascinated by typing on our typewriters using official USS NORTH CAROLINA paper at events like Battleship Ho Ho Ho.”
Furthermore, if you have a few minutes, it is fun going back and reading my 2015 post on Celebrating International Typewriter Day.
The closeup of my Olivetti Lettera 22 Typewriter was taken on February 14, 2015. It was part of getting ready for launching AnchoredScraps first post on February 26, 2015.
Fast forward, and today is AnchoredScraps daily blog post #1945!

As we wrap up, it is great to have the air conditioning working again in my office, as of around 3 pm today!
I am hoping this time next year finds you with a typewriter of your very own. Something to consider for International Typewriter Day 2021!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
USS NORTH CAROLINA Battleship June 23, 2020 posting on Facebook
AnchoredScraps Celebrating International Typewriter Day, June 23, 2015