Importance Of Backups (& Daily Blog Post #1989!)

The Importance Of Backups is our focus today. It is also our AnchoredScraps Daily Blog Post #1989. We are closing in on Milestone #2000!

First, welcome to our newest email blog subscriber today! 

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Earlier today between Zoom calls my laptop decided to turn itself off!  This was after already sounding a little like it was dragging.

Importance Of Backups

To net it out – I am proactively taking it into my local pc repair place in the morning. I’m hoping with getting the fan “stuff” inspected it can be repaired.  My Samsung laptop has been working GREAT for the past seven years. It is my go-to laptop using it since beginning this daily blog over five and a half years ago.  

My initial thoughts when all of this began happening today was with me smiling to myself. The realization that “Of Course (!) my laptop is wanted some attention – it is feeling neglected after all of my focus on having Hurricane Isaias here earlier this week!”  

Furthermore, it is timely to me seeing it was exactly one month ago today, my post was on “Time for Backups!” (July 6, 2020).

I’m encouraging us to pause and reflect on when the last time we did full backups on our go-to devices. Whether they are desktop, mobile, smartphone, and/or any analog notes we routinely rely on for quick reference there we are – the Importance of Backups!

Before closing, I’m wanting to let my Pen Pal who is writing to me from Canada know that the one arrived yesterday and another today! In addition, I’m really enjoying the printables from our recent two-week letter writing challenge that you are sending to me, and I had sent one off to you over the weekend.

Thank you for joining me today. See you tomorrow for my Friday blog post. 

 Anchors Aweigh,  


P.S. The Current Catalog Blue Ribbon Club is having a three-day FREE Shipping on any order for three days!



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