It is time for us to bid Auld Lang Syne 2020 with this final blog post here at AnchoredScraps for the year. And what a year it has been for everyone!
Looking back to my New Year’s Eve blog post my first year of blogging here, I’m recalling “Auld Lang Syne” & Tribbles (& December 2015 AnchoredScraps Recap), December 31, 2015.
In fact, I’m including this link to the previous New Year’s Eve Posts I’ve written. And each of the images of their respective blog post title cards are clickable links too.
Auld Lang Syne 2020
Even in the midst of so much unknown this year with Covid, there continues to be evidence of so many serendipitous new doors opening. This year found several friends moving across the country and it means I’m sending their Christmas cards to new addresses to them this year!
There is so much to be grateful for this year! THANK YOU so much for being so receptive to the first digital product offering I debuted on December 19th with my new online AnchoredScraps store! It is not too late to get your own set of A Year of Letters Monthly Printables.

One of the things I really like about it is one can actually begin at any month during the year as it’s perpetual with its design.
We continue to celebrate the joys of letter writing!
As I’ve been working on it this week, all of my Holiday cards are going to the Post Office tomorrow; it will be the morning of New Year’s Eve to ensure getting them with 2020 postmark! I encourage you, if you have been meaning to send a few cards, go ahead and still do so!
The most recent example is reconnecting this week with my favorite college professor. Imagine how surprising it is when calculating the math to realize it has been 40 years!
In addition, seeing the growth of expanding and adding new clients to my business is really exciting! I’m delighted about the opportunity to help others with their websites and blogs while bringing project management discipline to it, albeit gently!
With looking at this year, I would be remiss if I did not include this shout out of thanks to Caleigh, Ellen, Debbie, Vicki, Tally, Brian, Fran, Karen, Sara, Nancy, Pam, Susan, Patti, Shelly, Jimmy, Richard, my Mom, Bruce, Gene, John, Tim, Loretta, Cris, Jeanne, Kathy, Jackie, Mrs. Duffy, Cathy, Michele, Melissa, Joyce, and of course, Cooper & my husband.
Before closing, just this reminder I will be back here on Sunday, January 3, 2021, to greet the New Year 2021 with all of us! With tomorrow being New Year’s Eve, I am cognizant it is my first time to not be posting on either New Year’s Eve or on New Year’s Day. This is because of the new posting rotation I introduced in mid-September; I remain delighted and grateful for successfully reaching my five-year milestone of blogging daily and milestone #2020 daily blog posts in 2020 – prior to introducing the new blog posting rotation of twice a week.
Thank you so much for continuing to be on this journey with me! Here’s to having one more day to close out the year and then onward to the new 2021!!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2051
P.S. I’m probably going to be dusting off my CD and will be playing Barry Manilow singing, It’s Just Another New Year’s Eve…