We are looking at How to Create Your Own Greeting Cards with Caleigh Bird of Caleigh Bird Art! It is a joy to be writing this special blog post sharing it with you today.
Caleigh Bird is a very talented fine artist I have been working with since first meeting in July. I’ll have more on that later in this post.
Before beginning, a warm welcome to our newest subscribers here at AnchoredScraps! We are less than one month away from celebrating my six year blog anniversary!
Create Your Own Greeting Cards with Caleigh Bird
In the video below Caleigh shares her process of “how to turn your art work into greeting cards”. The video takes us step by step from creating the watercolor through ending up offering marketable greeting cards to retailers. It is very generous of her time and fantastic! The cards are from when she was living in Hawaii for over four years.
This is the link to Caleigh Bird Art YouTube How to Create Greeting Cards to Sell, posted Jan 3, 2019.
Caleigh Bird Art
She is a figurative artist and on her site we see 3D Oil Paintings, Life Drawings, and Pencil Portraits are among this Fine Artist portfolio.

Caleigh offers online oil painting technique workshops, as well as workshops on drawing hands, and more!
Furthermore, while there, be sure to sign up for her weekly round up.
My Continued Thanks to Caleigh for sharing her creative insights
Back around August, you may have noticed the name Caleigh began appearing among my shout-outs of thanks in my blog posts. I am so happy to be introducing her today to you here at AnchoredScraps.
This past summer with knowing I was approaching the 2000 consecutive daily blog post milestone, I was anticipating making design changes to my blog design and wanting to elevate its artistry. In early July I discovered Caleigh Bird in one of her YouTube videos. I was struck by her authenticity ringing though her videos.
Upon checking out her website, CaleighBirdArt I loved noticing her love for sending out snail mail upon subscribing to her site! Immediately, I knew I had found the person perfect for contacting, especially seeing her offering fine art + Art Business mentoring. We are now mid-way of a year long project underway and there are so many future exciting things coming with AnchoredScraps!
You’ll notice in these previous AnchoredScraps blog posts my mentioning Caleigh. In them we see the impact and joy it continues working with her! We see it in, Happy You Are Here! snail mail sign up, August 7, 2020. Then there is Celebrating AnchoredScraps #2000 daily blog post Milestone Today!, August 17, 2020. Next, there is the Stamps & Chutes (as in Halloween Candy Chute Idea!), October 28, 2020. And in Giving The Gift of A Year of Letters, December 19, 2020. In addition, my blog post on Auld Lang Syne 2020, December 30, 2020. And lastly in AnchoredScraps Printable 2021 Calendar, January 13, 2021.
Thank you for joining me today for Create Your Own Greeting Cards with Caleigh Bird. In closing, my continued heartfelt thanks to Caleigh! It continues to be a joy being on this blog journey with each of you. Enjoy Groundhog Day on Tuesday! See you back here on Wednesday!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2060