Why I’m Not Letter Writing Challenge Month in 2021 is not exactly the type of blog post title you nor I expect to be reading here!
We are greeting the month of February at AnchoredScraps, where we celebrate letter writing year-round! My post today is a bit longer than usual, so pull up a favorite hot beverage or diet-coke, get situated and enjoy!
On February 26, 2015 I began AnchoredScraps and later this month will be celebrating my 6th Anniversary. Beginning in 2017 – yours truly each February has been sharing the various Letter Writing Challenge opportunities available. While this year, in 2021, I’m not personally pursuing any – further below I am including links to a few you may enjoy trying out yourself. Each of them I have personally participated with previously and include my ranking of them.
First off, these days I have over 54 pen pals that I write and while I do not communicate with each as frequently as I am aspiring – still I strive to stay in touch with snail mail. In 2017, my first year participating in the #incowrimo, I sent 125 hand-written letters that month! That was a far cry from the 28 for the challenge of one a day. Through it I met some wonderful new pen pals who I still correspond with today – not as frequently as I want and try to send seasonal greetings with a Christmas card to them each year.
Why I’m Not Letter Writing Challenge Month in 2021
There is the expression my Dad would share with me, along the lines of “there is nothing like the enthusiasm of a new convert to annoy the rest of us”! What I gleam from this is, if you are new to letter writing you may be more gung-ho about taking on more people to send snail mail than someone who already has an ongoing list of pen pals striving to tread-water. I do love that the frequency of communicating can vary individually and I have found most letter writers are so happy when you do write, that the length between letters is not as important as the fact that YOU DO EVENTUALLY write back! It makes more sense to me now when I see a pen pal profile and it says if the person is accepting new pen pals currently.
It is great fun continuing with what I began this past August with adding to my site, the option when new email subscribers sign up with AnchoredScraps. I am continuing to have snail mail opt-in for my sending out occasional snail mail to them. I’m currently working on an upcoming batch in the works – suffice it to say “There is talk!”. Here’s a link to my post Happy You Are Here! snail mail sign up (Aug 7, 2020).
Lastly, I’m remembering that last year (even if it was alongside Covid) I fizzled out during February with getting all of my letters written – even though I had addressed them all in advance – I still have them in a pile of “meaning to write one day!” So perhaps this month in my NOT participating I can get them out. I do know for this year, in 2021, my personal goal is to rotate through all of my pen pals on my list and write to each of them – at least once – in a meaningful way – on my own timeframe.
Letter Writing Challenge Month 2021 Opportunities
The excitement and joy of discovering new letter writers is a log of fun and with that in mind, I’m including this listing of my three favorites for the month of February (and one is year long) with Letter Writing Challenge Month 2021 opportunities. Participating in any of them is FREE.

There is the World of Snail Mail February Letters, at their A World of Snail Mail Forum. This is my absolute favorite – and the forum is open year round! Furthermore, One signs up to be a Forum Member, and your address is NOT all over the place.
The forum is active year round and is beautifully maintained. With this Forum, which I’m a member, you truly have pen pals and letter writers you can connect with year-round. I’ve been a member since January 2018.

Next, at #2 is the Month of Letters at LetterMo is back again this year. Last year was my first year to participate with it. At this site, you also register there, and exchange addresses once connecting with someone you think is a match.
The site “goes away” for the most part with participation after the February event. My hats off to this site with their listing of resources too and pulling this off each year doing a terrific job!

And my third ranking, (surprisingly at number 3, goes to the one that originated it) at the #InCoWriMo. When you list your address out there, its posted for the whole world to see. In addition, you really don’t know who if anyone is going to be writing you. Nor necessarily who you write may not be planning to write you.
In prior years I was seeing an overlap of some of the participants between it and the other incowrimo-2020.org site. Unfortunately, it did not run last year with health concerns for the person running it, nor am I seeing it running this year. If I find out to the contrary I’ll be sure to post an addendum to this post.
Addendum: January 30, 2022, I’m seeing incowrimo2022.org active for 2022!
Looking Ahead
Thank you for joining me today! I sincerely appreciate your continuing to be on this blog journey with me.
Here’s to writing more letters whether it be as part of a Letter Writing Challenge Month – or not! See you back here on Sunday!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2061
P.S. In case you missed it last year, my blog post on February 2020 Letter Writing Project Snail Mail Options: #InCoWriMo #LetterMo & February Letters (02-01-2020). Image from Mystic Stamp Company – Keep in Touch, Special Occasions Booklet Stamps. U.S. stamp #2274 1987 22¢