On writing letters from the library is my blog focus this week! Even if you have not made it to your local library lately, it is fun rediscovering it. In addition, the HEARTSPOKEN book give-a-way drawing is now open beginning today through August 31.
Fast forward from several weeks ago, and I now have a dedicated tote bag for my treks to the library which includes an envelope pouch style folio that I tuck in some stationery notes, cards, stamps and letters awaiting my reply. I’m finding it very nice to sit and write in the quiet of the library.
On writing letters from the library
I’m now three consecutive weeks of making it to my local library spending focused time writing a few letters while there. My sincere thanks to Caleigh for her suggestion to me last month about what a great place it is to go to get focused work done! Thank you Caleigh!
The library continues to surprise me with all that it has to offer, including quiet spaces for which I can sit at a desk and write a few letters!
For me, my goal is going twice a week and while there, I include an hour for writing letters. How about you, when was the last time you made it to your library? Do you enjoy a certain day of the week?
HEARTSPOKEN book give-a-way drawing

Entries are now open until August 31, 2022.
Then I’ll be drawing one name and will be announcing the winner in my Labor Day Weekend post Sunday, September 4th, 2022. (Labor Day itself is Monday, September 5th.)
Thank you for joining me today! Here’s to making the most of the remaining second half of August 2022! I hope you’ll consider visiting your local library and see if that doesn’t help you get a few letters written!
Anchors Aweigh,