New in time for this Christmas: Virgin and Child Painting Forever Stamp! In addition, I’m seeing a Holiday Elves Stamps that are arriving this year too. And this last call for entries are still open through August 31, 2022 for HeartSpoken drawing giving away a free paperback by the Author!
We are closing out the month of August, and with it seeing the baton changing from Summer and moving towards Fall and even the Christmas Season with these new stamps!

The stamp is featuring Virgin and Child, which is a oil-on-panel painting from 16th century. The event for First Day of Issue is going to be on September 22, 2022 at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.
Furthermore, please note in this next paragraph, I’m including a few links directly to the sources referencing in case wanting to read further on them.
They are in a book of 20 for $12.00 and pre-orders are available at this USPS Postal Store link S_684104.
This is hot off the presses as of this past week, August 23, in the USPS Newsroom Announcement, and also seeing over at the American Philatelic Society News.
“Customers may purchase stamps and other philatelic products through the Postal Store at, by calling 844-737-7826, by mail through USA Philatelic or at Post Office locations nationwide.”
It is really great to see there is going to be a stamp such as this available for the upcoming Christmas Holiday Season.
In addition, there is going to be a Holiday Elves Stamps. They are available beginning September 15, 2022, and they are now accepting pre-ordering at the USPS Postal Store online in a book of 20 for $12.00.
& Here is last call for ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) entries are still open through August 31, 2022
HEARTSPOKEN book give-a-way drawing

Entries continue to be open until August 31, 2022.
Then I’ll be drawing one name and will be announcing the winner in my Labor Day Weekend post Sunday, September 4th, 2022. (Labor Day itself is Monday, September 5th.)
Looking ahead to our next blog post PEN PALS FOREVER! My interview with someone who has been Pen Pals for 55 years now and still writing each other!
Thank you for joining me today as we bid farewell to Summer 2022!
In preparation for the next blog post I’m really excited about my upcoming interview! This Wednesday I’ll be interviewing someone who has been PEN PALS for 55 years and still going! I’m so excited she is willing to let me include some photos too! Stay tuned!
Here’s to making the most of this week as we close out August and move to September.
Anchors Aweigh,
Thanks and Attribution to USPS, APS, and Heart Spoken, links and images above.