The small town of Glenbeulah, WI boasts their own Date Meets Zip 53023 Pictorial Postmark later this week! It has been a while since last blogging about one of these pictorial postmarks. It is called a date meets zip because the zip code itself matches the date.
In The Sheboygan Press yesterday, they have a informative article. “Glenbeulah to celebrate once-in-a-lifetime coinciding of 53023 on May 30, plus more news in weekly dose” by Brandon Reid, Sat, May 20, 2023 at 6:03 AM EDT
The address for requesting is
May 30, 2023
Village of Glenbeulah, WI
Date Meets ZIP Station
246 West Main Street
Glenbeulah, WI 53023-1153
“Those who wish to obtain the postmark may submit a mail order request. Pictorial postmarks are available only for the date indicated (May 30, 2023) and requests must be postmarked no later than 30 days following the requested pictorial postmark date. All requests must include a stamped envelope or postcard bearing at least the minimum First-Class Mail postage.”
Furthermore, in the Postal Bulletin on Thursday, May 18, 2023, it includes listing the Date Meets Zip 53023 Pictorial Postmark Announcement. As a point of reference, the postal bulletins when listing pictorial postmarks available include the process for requesting by mail – good to know if new to the process or just wanting to double check!
“All requests must include a stamped envelope or postcard bearing at least the minimum First-Class Mail® postage. Items submitted for postmark may not include postage issued after the date of the requested postmark. Such items will be returned unserviced.
Customers wishing to obtain a postmark must affix stamps to any envelope or postcard of their choice, address the envelope or postcard to themselves or others, insert a card of postcard thickness in envelopes for sturdiness, and tuck in the flap. Place the envelope or postcard in a larger envelope and address it to: Pictorial Postmarks, followed by the Name of the Station, Address, City, State, ZIP+4® Code, as listed next to the postmark.
Customers can also send stamped envelopes and postcards without addresses for postmark, as long as they supply a larger envelope with adequate postage and their return address. After applying the pictorial postmark, the Postal Service returns the items (with or without addresses) under addressed protective cover.”
It is fun adding a pictorial postmark to our letter writing experience. Among other options one can request the cancel on the envelope and have it returned to you for then putting into your pictorial postmark collection.
Also, to view previous AnchoredScraps blog posts on Date Meets Zip here is this link.
In conclusion, these opportunities do not happen frequently, I hope you’ll consider requesting one just for the fun of it!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2219
Attribution and thanks to USPS Pictorial Postmarks Announcement, The Sheboygan Press (links above)
You may also enjoy reading USPS News – Wisconsin news – May 11, 2023, Special Pictorial Postmark Offered Glenbeulah Post Office celebrates “Date Meets ZIP.”