It is fun sharing we have a new return address! Greetings from South Carolina!
As a result of moving, I have recently discovered the very easy process for submitting your Change of Address with the USPS. What is especially nice is I was able to do it all online (link below).
For those of you on my occasional snail mails I send out you will be noticing with my upcoming Christmas Cards our new return address!
A New Return Address
The timeline of keeping up with two parallel activities – selling our home of over 18 years we had built, while downsizing and building our new home has kept us busy! It is hard to believe the move was just two weeks ago today! We are making our way through what seems like a gazillion boxes. Cooper is already settling into our new home and with it his new routine and meeting new fur-friends.
It is nice to have internet connectivity now, it was installed yesterday. Thank goodness for smart phones in the meantime.
Just as I find letter writing can be a slow writing process, I will be updating my website here to reflect “I post regularly but not on a schedule.” With traditional snail mail letter writing it can take me a while to thoughtfully put onto paper sharing our lives (whether small or big things). I enjoy the slowing down to think and be analog in our digital world for a few minutes.
Welcome to our newest email blog subscribers! This is a great time to share this reminder — be sure to become an email blog subscriber to AnchoredScraps (it is free) so you don’t miss out on any of my posts.

With just having Thanksgiving I am grateful for your continued support and being on this blog journey with me. Here’s to a great month of December ahead for us!
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. Here’s the USPS link for Change of Address