With back to school in the air, it is timely to find Recycled Math Book Lined Stationery. First of all, there is the unique lining of envelopes. It is a very creative usage of up cycling an old book! It reminds me a little of the There’s No Place Like Wizard of Oz Envelopes, we covered back in May.
Etsy Shop SisBoomBaa

Secondly, in skipping ahead it is fun to see the Math Book Selection option pull down menu. One can select what KIND of Math Book for your envelope lining!
The set of 8 flat note cards comes with 8 white European-style envelopes with math book pages lining them.
“Saved from a dumpster death and ready for a new life as Snail Mail, an old math text book has been turned into a unique, upcycled stationery set.” …
Quality, white envelopes have been lined with the pages of a discarded math book. Choose the area of mathematics you’d like this stationery set focused on from the drop down menu provided.
Passages from these same pages accentuate heavy, white, flat note cards. They’re topped with a charming flower, handmade again from the same book pages, along with a gray leaf to polish the look. Each note card and envelope is unique, as each one is made from a different page of the book. There is no photocopying.”
Have fun exploring these options, all adding up to a unique letter writing stationery selection.
Anchors Aweigh,
Recycled Math Book Lined Stationery Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Upcycled Book Stationery, Etsy SisBoomBaa shop: Recycled Math Book Stationery, Math Geek Gift, Math Teacher Gift, Mathematics Lover Stationary (8), Repurposed Book Page Lined Envelopes. All three images shown are from SisBoomBaa shop, excerpt.
AnchoredScraps daily blog post: There’s No Place Like Wizard of Oz Envelopes, May 15, 2017, by Helen Rittersporn.