Vintage Easter Digital Postcards by RomanticaArts

The Vintage Easter Digital Postcards by RomanticaArts is on sale.

Before beginning, earlier today the email invitations for the AnchoredScraps Digital Meet & Greet April 10, 1:00 PM Eastern were sent. It contains the call-in details. If for some reason you did not receive, please contact me and I will forward it to you. It was sent to all AnchoredScraps email blog subscribers.

Vintage Easter Digital Postcards by RomanticaArts

With the perfect time for Easter, the set of three printables is over 60% off at $1.80.

“Six pretty Easter postacards, featuring cute vintage bunnies, ducks and chicks! So versatile to use in any creative project…

Images size: 4×6 in – 10×15 cm. Three jpg files that fit standard paper size A4 when you print them. High resolution: 300 dpi.”

Anchors Aweigh,  


Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today

Etsy RomanticaArts

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