Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing by Catherine J. Golden

The book Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing by Catherine J. Golden is fun discovering it is the upcoming quarterly book club selection in October 2024 with the National Postal Museum. There is plenty of time to read it ahead of their Postmarks & Paperbacks virtual zoom meeting on Monday October 14, 2024.

I’m excited about finding this book as it will make for a great book to include reading this summer! 

Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing by Catherine J. Golden

The hardcover first edition publish date is October 4, 2009. Amazon is showing besides hard back and paperback, a kindle format of the book too.

“Although “snail mail” may seem old fashioned and outdated in the twenty-first century, Catherine Golden argues that the creation of the Penny Post in Victorian England was just as revolutionary in its time as e-mail and text messages are today. … 

Golden demonstrates how cheap postage–which was quickly adopted in other countries–led to a postal “network” that can be viewed as a forerunner of computer-mediated communications. Indeed, the revolution in letter writing of the nineteenth century led to blackmail, frauds, unsolicited mass mailings, and junk mail–problems that remain with us today….”

You will want to register for the free online event here. I have already rsvp’d for it and I hope you’ll consider joining it with me too!  

National Postal Museum Postmarks and Paperbacks Book Club

It is “an online book club for lovers of books, letters, and the art and history of communication. It meets quarterly to discuss postal-themed books, including a range of selections drawing from epistolary novels, popular history books about the USPS or philately, and novels in which letters, the post office, or stamps play a central role. …”

We can view the quarterly schedule at

Additionally, you may enjoy this previous blog post of mine from August 25, 2021, Postmarks & Paperbacks Book Club.

I’m excited about finding this book as it will make for a great book to include reading this summer! 

Hope this finds you doing great! Before closing a warm welcome to our newest email blog subscriber!

Here’s to a great month ahead! See you back here soon.

Anchors Aweigh,


AnchoredScraps #2237

Attribution & Thanks

Postmarks & Paperback Book Club (link above), and book, Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing Paperback – April 8, 2010 by Catherine J. Golden (Author), excerpt from its Amazon listing.



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