Today on March Madness Milestones continues with us paws-ing to introduce Cuddy, our family dog! When we last left off there was talk of who would be wearing green today and here we are with Cuddy showing off his themed bandana. We are celebrating the upcoming Milestone of having him in our lives seven years this July.
He came to us through the American Brittany Rescue in July 2008 and continues to be a joy! This photo taken of him today (upper left) he looks a bit reflective, he actually has spied a bunny across the yard. Suffice it to say it took a few biscuits to get this photo of him as I was competing with said bunny!
They believe he was around two years old when we adopted him and the time has flown by! In going back and re-reading my scrapbook journaling from when we adopted him it brought back crisp memories of that first weekend that he came home with us. I will always be grateful that Cuddy was able to be with a special foster family for two months prior to us getting matched.

The power of journaling is really appreciated when going back after this many years and getting to re-read and see things so crisp again! The memories came back of how we were told he had waited at the front door starting that morning when we were driving over to get him – as if he KNEW we were coming to get him! There was the four hour drive home with him and recalling how good he was and enjoying the treats we had brought along! Photo to the right I took on that drive home for his scrapbook!
If you have recently lost a beloved pet know that I’m so grateful we went forward six months after losing our first Brittany spaniel of 15 years in looking for a new member of our family. Both are my ‘heart-dogs’ as the expression goes and one can never replace the other. Please consider pet adoption for your next 4-legged family member as they too are looking for their forever-home! Locally we support the Pender County Humane Society.
Today let’s paws (pun intended) and realize how lucky we are to have these family members in our lives. And have a biscuit nearby – color green optional!
Anchors Aweigh,