We continue March Madness Milestones at AnchoredScraps.com today with …
Spring Into Action!
Today is Friday, March 20, 2015 and it is the First Day of Spring (Spring Equinox). This morning different songs from the musical “Camelot” have been playing in my mind and then “Oh What a Beautiful Mornin” ” from Oklahoma (switching between Gordon MacRae and Hugh Jackman versions)!
However, the PLANNED March Madness Milestone reason behind Spring into Action actually ties to this quote: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin.
So make that Wills or Taxes – but how are we doing on being prepared and taking on these two? April 15 tax deadline date marches on in the background. Is your Will current? At least think about getting it updated.

I now return you to more of “Oh What a Beautiful Mornin‘!’ ” Wishing you a great day! Tune in tomorrow as March Madness Milestones continues with more Spring items. Stay tuned…..
Anchors Aweigh,