Today on World Stationery Day I’m delighted to debut:
The Anchored Scraps Address Book !
This week is National Stationery Week (April 27 – May 03, 2015) and with today being World Stationery Day what better way for us to celebrate than by being organized with announcing our custom designed address book! Remember the project we did last month on getting all of our addresses together into one place – it was for a purpose after all! This address book is the perfect place to now keep all those names and addresses.
With launching the Anchored Scraps Address Book it means the is now open! They are priced at $16.96 each plus shipping.
The following excerpts are from the About page of the Anchored Scraps Address Book:
“This address book was designed with today’s letter writer in mind. It’s small enough to fit easily into a backpack, purse or maybe even a jacket pocket. The coil binding allows it to lay flat while you add the contact information of your friends and family. And, its low-tech nature makes sure you have access to everything you need to know when writing letters, with no worries about batteries, cell tower service or an Internet connection.”
It was designed by Carla McKeown and customized for blog readers. She created a blog, the 365 Letters Blog in 2009 as she started the 365 Letters project on January 01, 2009 to chronicle her year of daily letter writing! “With that goal accomplished, she continued the blog in 2010 with daily letter writing topics to encourage others to take up the art of correspondence.”
Today’s blogpost is not the first time we have referenced Carla! We first blogged about the 365 Letters Blog on April 08, earlier this month. It was an honor to be reviewed by her blog on March 25 and have welcomed several new email subscribers as a result! And we included referencing Carla’s blog on the April 14 blog post about the Google Doodle and she wrote about the Pony Express National Museum.

Thank you very much to Carla for her enthusiastic design, dedication, and insightful guidance with our getting this customized and produced! We have been able to ship as Seth Godin is fond of saying instead of having an idea and just thinking about it!
And are those Anchored Scraps Correspondence Hat boxes I see in the photo on this page shown with them? Tune in tomorrow to find out details!
Anchors Aweigh,
Addendum, post updated 2020, July 6, link Anchored Scraps Address Book for Helen Rittersporn