You many have noticed by today’s blog photo that we have a guest with us! Today’s blog concludes our theme this week of Writing Outside the Box!
Paws-ing to Type
Hello everyone, Cuddy here and I’m typing to you about another option when thinking of Writing Outside the Box. Recently my dog-Mom Helen sent out postcards to family and friends which were from me! If you are wondering .. they were signed by me too! The house phone was busy a few days later with phone calls from family and friends when they received them and they were a big hit! They were sharing how nice I looked in my photo.
Consider having your pet write the letter in their voice, and if you have multiple pets they could all write a sentence or two each and sign by all of them!
The other thing to consider is when addressing the envelope, if you know the person’s pet(s) name then address to both of them or just to their pet, so it’s from your pet to their pet. It is a different approach!

Here is a quote I wanted to share with you as I LOVE my manual typewriter, it’s just that I am all paws with it!
“I would write my editorials using a manual typewriter in pitch-black darkness… I would produce the whole thing without having seen the text.” – Charles Krauthammer
Tomorrow my dog-Mom Helen will return and debut a new blog theme for the new week ahead here on
I’m off to enjoy my blog fee! Wishing you a paws-itively great day, Cuddy