Summer blooms & letters

Today we are looking at the cumulative effect of our efforts – that they do add up –  whether for our flowers and/or letters!

This is probably the fastest month of June I can recall in some years! For several days now going on weeks, we continue to have afternoon Thunderstorms.   Because of these recurring thunderstorms, almost as if on schedule, the flowers in the field beyond the backyard have  managed to survive without having a sprinkler!   The area has not become a casualty to the hot weather and too much rain.

Likewise this observation got me to thinking about our letters and letter writing in general.   At the end of a week if I were to have collected the outgoing mail so instead of seeing it as it is each day of one or two letters, if I were to have collected the week’s worth it would be an impressive stack of outgoing mail.

Getting up close onto one of the flowers to look at is okay, but to step back and see the bunches of them shows impact!   I encourage us to continue to consistently put pen to paper and add a stamp (I tend to add an extra one or two, i.e. a 2cent stamp) just for added oomph!  The same could be said for using this same approach for looking at the budget and our cashflow, writing everything down and seeing how over a week all the small purchases have added up!

Photos shown taken today by Helen.

“I grew up at my grandmother’s house and she had a beautiful garden. I used to hate mowing the lawn and weeding, which is what you do when you’re a kid.”- Elton John

With the month of July around the corner why not now go ahead and start planning ahead for July and August your aspirations for the remainder of the summer.   Then break it out into smaller to do items and map them to the calendar.   Just as that stack of outgoing mail does add up to a big number over time, so too can our daily to-do’s get us to the big accomplishment and realization of goals and aspirations for this summer.   And that aspiration could be to write regularly to those we care about and love.   It does add up, it does add up….

Anchors Aweigh,



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