At the community event calendar posted near the mailboxes today there it was – Constitution Day – hand printed in the square for the date September 17. On Twitter a tweet went by in the twitter stream with #ConstitutionDay and included the U.S. stamp shown upper left for today’s blog post.
“Constitution Day and Citizenship Day commemorates the formation and signing on September 17, 1787, of the Constitution and recognize all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens.”
Today marks the 228th Anniversary of the Constitution’s signing by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention who met for the last time to sign the document they had created.
It is designated to be held the “nearest weekday to September 17”.
There is a article in today’s Constitution Daily
In the “Top 10 myths about the Constitution on Constitution Day” it covers “some of the top myths about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers still out there on blogs and websites. To be clear, these myths are not about interpretations of the Constitution; they center on people and events related to the founding document.” After reading it you will want to spend a few minutes taking the “Pop quiz: 10 basic Constitution questions!”
One of the movies that comes to mind of so many wonderful scenes is the 1942 classic “Casablanca“. For my younger blog post readers who may not have seen this movie you must. The movie includes some wonderful scenes of different travelers in Ricks Café who dream of coming to America and the promise that holds are still endearing.
The 12 Days of Christmas (Amendments version)
And be sure to go re-visit my blog post from July 24 “The 12 Days of Christmas (Amendments version)”: “recalling the movie “Born Yesterday” (1993) with Melanie Griffith, John Goodman and Don Johnson. The scene where she leads the dinner party in Washington, DC – to the tune of The 12 Days of Christmas – she has put to words the 12 (Interesting) Amendments Song about the U.S. Constitution.”
One of my dearest friends from college I still recall the excitement when she became a U.S. citizen. We have been pen pals since graduation and I remember the hand written letter from her sharing the excitement of that day. I need to write a letter to her to catch up and will include a print out of this blog post letting her know I’m thinking of her today and recalling the excitement from that day years ago. To quote from the movie scene we just saw, “To America”!
Anchors Aweigh,
Epilogue: You may have noticed that today’s blog post the style is a little different – I’m posting all of the attribution information of images and referenced sites and links in a easy-to-see-it-all-location at the bottom of the blog post. For some time I’ve been considering some way for best formatting.
Introducing the Attribution & Thank You to the following who are referenced today section.
The style for centralizing this to one area does make the style flow more smoothly. Thank you to Tally, one of “My Three Muses“, who made the suggestion!
Image upper left of 1937 3c Constitution Sesquicentennial “Adoption of the Constitution” single, Scott Catalogue USA: 798, Smithsonian National Postal Museum (On Twitter @PostalMuseum); and Image of September 17, 2015 Twitter stream of Stamp Vault on (On Twitter @StampVault) “We the People of the United States…” #ConstitutionDay.
Constitution Daily (On Twitter @ConstitutionCtr); YouTube video from “Casablanca – What watch? [CC]” posting by Filip Novotný; and Constitution Day (United States) – Wikipedia (On Twitter @Wikipedia)