#270 daily blog posts

Today marks number 270 – it is my
270th daily blog post since launching

In one month it will be number 300!

It is hard to believe that the time has gone by so quickly and how things have changed since launching the site on February 26, 2015.

Thank you for being on this journey with me and for sharing along with me the themed related items that I’ve posted.

dreamstime_xs_13044936There is a lot to be said for the commitment of posting daily and learning to not gold plate every blog post.

Back on September 13th I blogged “Celebrating blog post 200! and in it I shared some observations “learned in the process of writing 200 consecutive daily blog posts since launching”. 

For today the message is simply to share that in the next month I’m rounding up all of the blog stories I have had ‘in development and researching’ and get them into the queue and published so they make it into the first 300.


Before all of the Thanksgiving week activities are in full throttle, I wanted to stop and recognize we are just a month away from this upcoming milestone of 300 blog posts and to share how thankful I am for this opportunity to write and share these daily blog posts here, even the poignant ones with sharing about losing Cuddy just a few weeks ago.    I am recalling the day after losing him being faced with the realization that if I did not write a blog post that day I would probably not write another blog post here again, and so my blog post about finding solace in taking things “Day by Day“. 

Wishing you a great week ahead – and more on what that image shown on the left with the row of mailboxes is all about in a future blog post (before we reach #300)!

Anchors Aweigh,  



Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today —

Image shown upper left by TwinsMetsFan (Own work, based on File:CR 20 jct.svg by Fredddie) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

AnchoredScraps.com blog posts: “Celebrating blog post 200! September 13, 2015;  Day by Day November 03, 2015; and page on  Remembering Cuddy; all written by Helen Rittersporn



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