Laundry postcards

Laundry postcards is our Friday blog post topic!

Today’s blog post is short and sweet as I have laundry on my mind! Maybe we should make today’s title “Clean and Folded” instead!

“We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry.”  -E. B. White

Laundry postcards I came across includes this one from 1910 and seeing the “modern” washing machine depicted makes me all the more grateful for my current Samsung from this decade!

In looking around at Laundry postcards my finds included vintage post cards, some were old advertising post cards, and some are newly created such as at Zazzle, and over at Redbubble.  Look for more on these in future blog posts!

In closing I am sharing from for their “Clean Jokes and Puns From the Laundry Room” included is excerpt of two Q&A and one fun little story:

“Q: What did the first sock say to the second sock in the dryer?
A: I’ll see you the next time around

Q: What happened to the leopard that fell into the washing machine?
A: He came out spotless.”

Never Judge Your Neighbor’s Laundry Skills
“A young couple moved into a new neighborhood.

The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hanging her laundry outside.
“That laundry is not very clean,” she says. “She doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.”
Her husband looked on, but remained silent.
Every time her neighbor would hang her laundry to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband, “Look, she has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder how that happened?”
The husband said, “I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows.”  <–end of excerpt 

Here’s to a fun Friday and weekend ahead – with or without the laundry!

Anchors Aweigh,  


Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referen ced today —

Image above – File:Laundry Postcard Circa 1910.jpg by Laundry Postcard Circa-1910 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons excerpt: Clean Jokes and Puns From the Laundry Room – Pun Intended By Mary Marlowe Leverette Laundry & Laundry Rooms Expert




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