It is Saturday morning and we are looking at the cartoon creator of Road Runner, Chuck Jones Daddy Daughter Letters.
If you immediately thought “BEEP-BEEP!” when reading Road Runner then perhaps you too are recalling Saturday mornings and Road Runner episodes!
Today is a longer blog post and if you want to get your coffee, hot tea, or diet coke before you start reading – go grab it – and then settle in to read and enjoy! It was a real treat in discovering the Chuck Jones blog where his daughter Linda, has shared a series of letters from her Dad when she went to boarding school in 1952.
Chuck Jones Daddy Daughter Letters
To come across these letters that have been shared – which let you read firsthand the love and praise he has for his daughter – is a delight. They begin with an introduction by her sharing it was written on the first day she left home for boarding school on September 19, 1952.

“I’m afraid that I’m going to be unable to write the kind of a letter I’m supposed to write as a father to a daughter going away for the first time, full of “don’t’s” and “watch out fors” and “avoids” and “promise me’s”. I seem to just be full of love for you and delight for you and confidence in you. I find little room in my mind for in my heart for doubts about your ability to cope with any situation, critical or otherwise. There will be crises, some you will meet with wisdom and instant dispatch, some will take thought and some you will doubtless fumble…like other human beings, as different from machines.”
– Chuck Jones September 19, 1952 Letter to Daughter Linda
Road Runner Rules
There is an article from March 2015 and it shares: “A list of rules for the creators of the Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoons has been circulating online and the instructions explain why every episode was almost exactly the same.” I’ve included the link below in the attribution section as well as all the links referenced today.
Cartoon Brew
Over at Cartoon Brew there were two articles I wanted to mention here. The first one is from September 2009 “Letters from Chuck” about these letters and he has a different focus that I had – he shares how Chuck Jones would weave in talking about his work projects in his letters.
The second article is about Chuck Jones letter sharing his opinion of working at Disney. If you will follow the closing link in that article it will take you to a great article over at MousePlanet about “Chuck Jones: Four Months At Disney” which included this excerpt here:
“On his 85th birthday celebration on Sunday, September 21, 1997, the legendary Chuck Jones spoke to a group of 500 of his friends, family, fans,and colleagues. He recalled the many letters he had sent to Walt Disney in his early years, and how Walt personally replied to each one. Later, when he met Walt, Jones thanked him for those letters and Walt replied, “Well, of course, you’re the only animator that ever wrote to me!” – from “Chuck Jones: Four Months At Disney” by Wade Sampson, staff writer MousePlanet September 2, 2009
“Chariots of Fur” Episode
It is Saturday morning – we cannot talk about the Road Runner without including a short YouTube of him! In this episode “Chariots of Fur” it shows in the opening credits “Produced by Chuck Jones & Linda Jones Clough”
Thank you for joining me today for Chuck Jones Daddy Daughter Letters. It was a delight to write today’s blog post. My first blog post written here was over a year ago, and I shared the inspiration for how I came about to name my site, and every time I see the name I am reminded its inspiration came from my Dad as a tribute to his naval service.
Join me tomorrow for my Sunday blog post. Wishing you a great day ahead! “BEEP-BEEP!”
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today —
Chuck Jones’s Letters to His Daughter, Linda from September 19, 1952 posted 08/06/2014 by rpatrick Intro/Part 1 The 9 Rules of Every Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner Cartoon March 6, 2015
YouTube Road Runner & Wile E Coyote – 43 – Chariots of Fur published May 1, 2013 by Kévin Aze
Cartoon Brew “Letters from Chuck” by Amid Amidi September 10, 2009 and “Chuck Jones’s Opinion of Working at Disney” by Amid Amidi October 28, 2009
“Chuck Jones: Four Months At Disney” by Wade Sampson, staff writer MousePlanet September 2, 2009
Image above upper left First Day Cover #UX314 – USPS 2000 Coyote/Road Runner PC at MysticStampCompany @USPS @USPSStamps first blog post, “There’s Been Talk!” February 26, 2015 written by Helen Rittersporn