Discover Old Letter Bookmarks is today’s blog topic and is a real treat to write. Happy Thursday!
If you are one who loves old books and rummaging around old bookstores, and combine with old letters found tucked in among them by a Used and Rare Bookseller who has shared his finds in a book and active blog he writes, then that sums up today’s blog post! It is enjoyable to share finding the “Forgotten Bookmarks” site along with two of his books today.
Discover Old Letter Bookmarks
It has been sometime since I last pulled out one of my favorite books, and am recalling the fun to sometimes be surprised to find among the pages an old letter (was new at the time!) tucked into the pages and used as a bookmark is an old letter or post card.
Forgotten Bookmarks

Over at the Forgotten Bookmarks website it is full of wonderful finds that you can get lost among the pages looking and reading. The blog shows entries going back from 2005 and looks to be actively updated! Just yesterday the blog post was on a letter dated December 31, 1950 on Waldorf-Astoria stationery complete with scanned images of the envelope cover and back and letter with the beautiful cursive handwriting, and a text of it too beneath it.
The site currently shows 82 blog posts related to Letters among the list of different categories.

Besides the blog entitled Forgotten Bookmarks there is the book promoted there too of the same name written by Michael Popek.
From the site: “By day, Michael Popek works in his family’s used bookstore. By night, he’s the voyeuristic force behind, where he shares the weird objects he has found among the stacks at his store.
Forgotten Bookmarks is a scrapbook of Popek’s most interesting finds. Sure, there are actual bookmarks, but there are also pictures and ticket stubs, old recipes and notes, valentines, unsent letters, four-leaf clovers, and various sordid, heartbreaking, and bizarre keepsakes. Together this collection of lost treasures offers a glimpse into other readers’ lives that they never intended for us to see.”
There is also the book Handwritten Recipes of his treasured most fascinating found recipes.
Thank you for joining me today for Discovering Old Letters As Bookmarks.
Just think – the next time you go to donate some old books to the library you may want to go double check for leaving any old letters in them, and/or if you are in a used bookstore out pursuing a book – don’t forget to look among the pages! Who knows – it could be your left behind recipe that gets included in a similar recipe book years from now!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today –
Forgotten Bookmarks website @ForgottenBkmrks
Image above cover and excerpt description – Forgotten Bookmarks by Michael Popek
Image above cover Handwritten Recipes by Michael Popek
Haven’t More Than A Moment posted April 27, 2016