In the latest Postal Bulletin you will want to see the Current May Pictorial Postmarks Available. Happy Tuesday on this first week in May 2016!
One of the community services the Postal Service provides are the Pictorial Postmarks commemorating local events celebrated in communities throughout the nation. Looking at the illustrations of the postmarks is a lot of fun! One can send off and obtain free of charge for the first 50 postmarks on an envelope or postcard of your choice.
Current May Pictorial Postmarks Available
Current pictorial postmarks from the April 28th Postal Bulletin include Pacific Overland Expo, there are 18 Postmaster stations for the Tri-River Historical Museum Network which is all about Quilts, Lueders Annual Fish Day; one for 50th Anniversary for USS George C. Marshall – a ballistic missile submarine; one by Charles City Chamber of Commerce; Kiwanis Club 50th Anniversary for Colby, KS; Motorcycle Awareness; Great Mushroom Hunt; and with a piano for Jazz Fest in New Orleans.
There are several by different Philatelic Societies including: Butler County Philatelic Society, Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs, and Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs.
The Postal Bulletins appear to be published every two weeks – this means I expect there to be a new one to be published next week. If you click here you can see all of the 2016 Postal Bulletins as they get posted and can refer back to it next week.
If you are considering sending off to get one of these be sure to read the fine print:
“Pictorial postmarks are available only for the dates indicated, and requests must be postmarked no later than 30 days following the requested pictorial postmark date.”

So far I have tried this out with the St. Patrick’s cancel I did and will be doing more of these as it is fun adding extra window dressing to my personal correspondence for when it arrives at its final destination! There are others I know who get their cancels on blank – with no address. Either approach, or combined approach – why not give it a try!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today –
My stamp club friend, Jimmy Jordan, at the Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS)
Image above and referenced Pictorial Postmarks Announcement U.S. Postal Service Postal Bulletin Issue 22440 (4-28-16). blog post St. Patricks Day Special Fancy Postmarks March 04, 2016 written by Helen Rittersporn