The Save the Chinese Typewriter Kickstarter campaign underway includes talk of a MC Hammer inspired T-shirt reward if the funding goal is met!
Who knew you have already heard about the Chinese typewriter thanks to MC Hammer; his video “U Can’t Touch This” – “the dance he made famous was called – you guessed it – the “Chinese typewriter.”

That video by MC Hammer “was supposed to impersonate what a typist in China “must look like” (in Hammer’s imagination) scurrying across a massive keyboard with thousands of keys.”
If the funding goal is met plans are “to ‘unlock’ this fun reward!”
The Save the Chinese Typewriter Kickstarter Campaign by Tom Mullaney is running through August 05, 2016.
“We are trying to “Save” the Chinese Typewriter – and the History of Modern Chinese IT – from misunderstanding and oblivion.
Every day, more than 1,000,000,000 people use one or another form of Chinese Information Technology – whether texting on their smart phones, running Chinese-language web searches, or simply creating a document in Word. What is more, China and Asia are now prime engines (and markets) of IT innovation – a part of the world that every company in Silicon Valley has its eyes on.
Despite the size and importance of Chinese IT, there has never been a museum exhibit dedicated to this critically important chapter in the history of technology – until now!”…<- End of excerpt
Save the Chinese Typewriter Kickstarter
The Kickstarter includes a reward option to select custom-made postcard from the tour! Here’s to wishing success to this Kickstarter campaign and its “Save the Chinese Typewriter” T-shirt when funding goal is met – and to the sign I wonder if we will see among the exhibit – “You Can’t Touch This!”
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. This YouTube to the 1990 MC Hammer – U Can’t Touch This has been added to today’s blog post. My thanks to Richard Polt! @typewriterRev.
Save the Chinese Typewriter Kickstarter Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Tom Mullaney web site at Stanford Department of History @tsmullaney
Excerpt “The Moveable Typewriter: How Chinese Typists Developed Predictive Text during the Height of Maoism” by Tom Mullaney
YouTube MC Hammer – U Can’t Touch This posted by emimusic Uploaded on February 24, 2009
Author Richard Polt @typewriterRev