On this Saturday the week before Thanksgiving we are looking at Cathe Holden Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards which are Free Digital Downloads!

Over at her website – JustSomethingIMade.com – graphic designer extraordinaire blogger
Cathe Holden includes Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards! : Free Digital Downloads from 2013.
We continue our focus this week on expressing our Thankfulness in our Letters and now with our postcards! You still have time to download and print and get into the mail sending these Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards.

For my scrapbooking, crafty friends reading today her website you will love looking at it even further! She has generously provided Freebies, and Projects including Custom Stencils. Especially noteworthy is How To Make Handmade Custom Paper Tape. Think Washi Tape – but of your OWN design!
This is definitely a website I will be visiting again to help embellish my hand written letters.
Thank you for joining me today. It continues to be a joy to meet here daily as we continue to encourage old-style correspondence and actually putting pen to paper! Enjoy!
Anchors Aweigh,
Cathe Holden Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today –
Image above JSIM-Cathe-Holden-Thanksgiving-Postcards.jpg; and Thanksgiving Turkey and Strawberries postcard from: Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards: Free Digital Downloads. Friday, November 1, 2013, by Cathe Holden. @catheholden.
Image above of Handmade Custom Paper Tape, Monday, June 13, 2011 by Cathe Holden
AnchoredScraps.com blog post: Writing Thankfulness Letters November 13, 2016 by Helen Rittersporn