With today being February 22, we have a 2 themed blog post 02 22 2 Countdowns February Letter Writing!
These two countdowns are very much on my mind.
The first countdown: there are four days to February 26. That will be my 2nd Anniversary milestone blogging daily encouraging letter writing here at AnchoredScraps.com!
The second countdown: there are six days to the 28th for writing letters this month for the InCoWriMo event. This is my first year to participate in the International Correspondence Writing Month. With the five letters written today, I am now at 101 letters written so far this month!
Someone asked me how do I find the time to write so many letters – and this is what I replied.
“Writing letters is something I love to do! I planned in advance to write on average up to 5 letters each day in February with this event – making it a big priority in my personal time all the while continuing to blog daily encouraging letter writing.
Making the extra time for writing this many letters means I had to give up some things this month. It is a joy to have already received some fantastic letter replies meeting some new penpals.”
The mail seems to be taking longer for letters to arrive and to be received. I’m glad I have just kept on writing even when it has felt like many days between batches of incoming letters to arrive. Since this past Saturday, there have been ten more handwritten letters that have arrived!
It still continues to amaze me how what we do every 24 hours does add up and it is within these snippets of time is when we do make things happen.
Here’s to making the most of the rest of February! Are you looking for your pen and paper yet?!

02 22 2 Countdowns February Letter Writing Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image above © Konstantin Kirillov | Dreamstime.com – Blue Glowing Number Two
AnchoredScraps.com blog post: Upcoming InCoWriMo February 2017, January 17, 2017. By Helen Rittersporn. International Correspondence Writing Month.