These American Crafts Pink Paislee Pen Pals Cards Envelopes have my attention today.
With all of the letter writing and new pen pals met this month, to find Pen Pals themed stationery is fun!
American Crafts Pink Paislee Pen Pals Cards Envelopes
The boxed card set shown is available at several locations including
There are 40 cards and 40 envelopes in the box, with four each of ten designs. The envelopes are plain white. “The cards measure 4-1/4×5-1/2 inches, the envelopes measure 4-7/16×5-11/16 inches.”
Pink Paislee Pen Pals
One can view the entire set of the Pen Pals offering over at of papers, accessories, entire line, introduced in January 2014.
There is a Pen Pals themed 48 pages set of Pen Pals Collection of Papers – 12 x 12 Paper Pad. It is important to note though they are listed as discontinued and out of stock over at It makes for a fun quest to pursue finding online.
Have fun on your search for these other items should you decide to pursue! I’m definitely placing an order for the boxed card set now.
Join me tomorrow for my Friday blog post here at

American Crafts Pink Paislee Pen Pals Cards Envelopes Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today Pen Pals Collection, by PinkPaislee January 7, 2014 Image shown Pink Paislee – Boxed Card Set – Pen Pals; and Pink Paislee – Pen Pals Collection – 12 x 12 Paper Pad