It is fascinating to explore the Exhibitor List for the Upcoming National Stationery Show May 2017, and Stationery Stories at their site. Happy Thursday on this Day 6 of National Letter Writing Month!

Given how much we love stationery and use it with our letter writing, today’s daily blog post is all about encouraging spending a few minutes looking at the site. Registration is open for the May 21-24, 2017 Javits Center, NYC Show.
NSS Stationery Stories
The Stationery Stories one can spend hours reading (as I did) learning about different stationery companies.
From their site: “To celebrate 70 years of the National Stationery Show, we are honoring the people who are the heart and soul of the industry, who drive the business forward and who persevere with Stationery Stories.”
One of the Stationery Stories I read found me visiting INK MEETS PAPER® which has a postcard design I’ve already put into my shopping cart at their site!
NSS Exhibitor List

Have fun exploring the National Stationery Show site. This morning we are having a big thunderstorm, stay dry!
Join me tomorrow as we wrap up the work week and head into the weekend!
Anchors Aweigh,
Upcoming National Stationery Show May 2017 Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image above National Stationery Show May 2017 of logo and Exhibitor List Index from website @stationeryshow
Image above INK MEETS PAPER® @inkmeetspaper