This morning we are getting to the heart of Letter writing with my Ode to 3-ring Notebook Paper Letter Writing Stationery!
It appeals to even the most frugal among us, is fun, and we probably have it on hand in our homes already!
When it all comes down to it and you are ready to write a longer letter for catching up, do you want to really get out the box of ‘nice’ stationery or do you still grab a few sheets of 3-ring notebook paper and make it your own stationery?
This is the current situation I find myself in this morning with wanting to dash off a few notes in the early quiet morning before getting to work. The approach can appeal to even my most frugal friends who like to write letters.
Using my Notebook Paper as Letter Writing Stationery in a combo approach is my preferred approach this morning. This means along WITH a nice stationery note card I will THEN be including a few sheets of 3-ring notebook paper to REALLY write out what is on my mind. Do you find that to be the case for yourself?

One of the things I LOVE with this option of just grabbing a few sheets is using some of my letter writing themed rubber stamps and stamping onto the paper and envelope for making a set. This is optional, but seeing the bright color ink pads has me hearing them calling my name to use them this morning too!
I’m remembering last summer at the big box store and buying up several packages of 3 ring notebook paper. Who could resist the pricing range between one dollar to one penny for a package of 100 sheets or even larger packs?
Here’s to notebook paper letter writing that also helps us use up its paper stash, we will be ready for restocking at the next sale!
Anchors Aweigh,
Notebook Paper Letter Writing Stationery Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
The image shown above is a 3 ring notebook paper postcard available at Zazzle. The dimensions are 4.25″ x 5.6″ (portrait) or 5.6″ x 4.25″ (landscape). “Notebook Paper Postcard”, Zazzle, Artwork by Illusionary. daily blog post: The Well Appointed Desk Par Avion stamp, July 18, 2016, by Helen Rittersporn.