Sunday Letter Writing Organization

Today’s blog post is an intro to my Sunday Letter Writing Organization that has been my focus all day! As we are wrapping up the weekend, I’ve been getting to try out my new Letter Writing Organization System.

Left side green tub holding containers are Correspondence. The right side is for stationery.

With writing as many letters as I do these days it has become necessary to truly have a system to keep up with it all. Back in February, I wrote 125 letters for #InCoWriMo.

It was surprising how many replies came in the following month. It is prompting me to do a better job of keeping track of all incoming and outgoing letters. This helps with keeping up with pen pals old and new.

Here are some benefits from my Sunday Letter Writing Organization today.

First, it can help make the best of intentions happen with our letter writing. Coming across letters written on Memorial Day today still needing to be mailed is a surprise to avoid in the future! I was able to add a P.S. to each letter today and now are en route.

Second, being able to have letters sorted is a big help. For example, having a Letters to Write container, and a separate Letters have replied container. It is easier for cross referencing and seeing what is current.

This is a close-up view to show label names of Correspondence containers.

Third, having a separate container at my fingertips of book marks, and stickers, to have a little something to tuck into a letter now does not require getting up and finding said items!

And fourth, the sense of relief I can now take the current letters to write container with me on the go and knowing my prioritizing is current.

In the coming week, I’ll share more and have more photos, along with what products I purchased. For today it is to say Thank YOU so much for all of the penpals I have met through my daily blog encouraging letter writing!

If we haven’t written each other before and you would like to have me send you a post card for starters, my contact page has my snail mail address. Join me tomorrow as we kick off the last week of August going into Labor Day Weekend.

 Anchors Aweigh,  


Sunday Letter Writing Organization Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today

Helen Rittersporn Contact Page.

These containers are in the closet in the same room, but not taking up prime space.

AnchoredScraps daily blog post Upcoming InCoWriMo February 2017, January 17, 2017, by Helen Rittersporn.

All photos are by Helen today.

You might also enjoy this AnchoredScraps Letter Writing Blog post: Finally Writing Round Tuit Letters 5-30-2017 by Helen Rittersporn.



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