Pony Express Enroute Today

The Pony Express Enroute Today is our whimsical nod to having our own version of sending snail mail.

One of my earliest blog posts here writing on Pony Express 1960 Commemorative Stamp for the 100th anniversary of the Pony Express. I’m showing it here today.

While on the phone with a friend earlier today she was sharing, “The Pony is enroute!”
This is code for saying a snail mail is in the mail enroute to me with our own modern day version of the Pony Express.

Here’s a link to the National Pony Express Association.

The idea is for a Pony to be enroute we need to be participating too.
Consider someone you would enjoy routinely having mail back and forth!

Anchors Aweigh,  


Pony Express Enroute Today Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today for my daily blog post encouraging letter writing –

AnchoredScraps daily blog post: Pony Express 1960 Commemorative Stamp, April 14, 2015, Image USPS



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