Happy Thanksgiving 2017!
To begin with, this is my third year writing my Annual Thanksgiving blog post at AnchoredScraps. It is becoming something of a tradition for me to conclude at the end two items first appearing in my 2015 Thanksgiving Day blog post: Linus’ Prayer, & Steve Martin. First, we are looking at the “I Am Grateful For” Rubber Stamp for using with our letter writing.

Creatiate “I Am Grateful For” Rubber Stamp
The rubber stamp is shown at Creatiate Etsy Shop. I’m adding this to my collection of rubber stamps for my stationery, especially my envelopes. If the Etsy Shop, Creatiate, sounds familiar last month we were looking at their fun Happy Mail Wood Mounted Stamp with handle.
And from my 2015 Thanksgiving Day blog post, just as I included also last year in 2016, here’s Linus’ Prayer, & Steve Martin.
“This remains a favorite – this YouTube of Linus’ Thanksgiving prayer from the 1973 animated TV special ‘A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving‘”.
“And I love this ending scene from the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles where all Steve Martin wanted to do was to get home for Thanksgiving and in the process of a three-day misadventure with John Candy – trying to help get him home – our hero realizes how much he has to be grateful for in his life. From the 1987 movie, this YouTube of ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ final scene:
On this Happy Thanksgiving Day 2017, wishing you safe travels and a day of Thanksgiving memories for cherishing.
Anchors Aweigh,
Happy Thanksgiving 2017 Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today for my daily blog post encouraging letter writing –
Image above I Am Grateful For Stamp | Holiday Thanksgiving Craft for the Family | Wood Mounted Rubber Stamp by Creatiate
Happy Mail Wood Mounted Stamp with Handle 10-16-2017
YouTube: Linus’ Thanksgiving prayer posted by udontknowhatluvis
Wikipedia: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Planes, Trains and Automobiles Ending YouTube posted by TheWireForYou’s channel
Planes, Trains and Automobiles Wikipedia
AnchoredScraps: Happy Thanksgiving 2016 11-24-2016; Happy Thanksgiving 2015 11-26-2015. Written by Helen Rittersporn