Today’s blog post is about Having Our Letter Writing Include Current Events ie Beedoop. There is a new phrase being coined because of All Nippon Airways ANA175 – #beedoop thanks to supermodel Chrissy Teigen.
Last night on Twitter I was seeing tweets about the All Nippon Airways ANA175 flight having to turn around en route to Tokyo from LA. They were four hours into their eleven-hour flight.

You can click here to view the Tweet from earlier tonight on this Wednesday evening – it includes a short news story by Gadi Schwartz, NBC News which I’m also embedding here; I’m enjoying seeing #BeedoopGoals as a hashtag with the tweet. And there is a story summarizing the flight in The Wrap.
Tonight on @NBCNightlyNews, @chrissyteigen investigates: Why did #ANA175 pull a u-turn in the middle of the Pacific and how did a rogue passenger get on board?! Glad Chrissy and @Johnlegend are back on the ground! #BeedoopGoals
— Gadi Schwartz (@GadiNBC) December 28, 2017
Is it possible that one day we will have a postage stamp recalling the experience? I’m thinking of the “Every Stamp Tells a Story” book post from this summer.
Writing a daily blog post encouraging letter writing finds me wanting to remember to include current events in our letters. Given several of my pen pals are email blog subscribers here, it is an easy guess what I’ll be including in my next batch of letters! How about you? Perhaps in our Christmas Thank You Notes, we’ll include a mention of #BeedoopGoals for 2018!
Anchors Aweigh,
Having Our Letter Writing Include Current Events ie Beedoop Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Twitter Gadi Schwartz @GadiNBC 7:07 PM – 27 Dec 2017, Image, embed tweet with video
Tweet @chrissyteigen 10:20 PM – 26 Dec 2017, Image
Image Barcobe scanner, ID 54743868 Piti Pratas | Dreamstime
The Wrap – “Chrissy Teigen Travel Nightmare: Airline Says It ‘Failed’ to Provide ‘Exemplary Customer Service’”. “Teigen and many other passengers took an All Nippon Airlines “flight to nowhere” Tuesday night”, by Debbie Emery | Last Updated: December 27, 2017, @ 7:12 PM @TheWrap
AnchoredScraps “Every Stamp Tells a Story” book 8-25-2017