AnchoredScraps Letter Writing Blog encourages old-style correspondence through hand written letters between kindred souls since 2015.
In Time for Valentine Texas Pictorial Postmark
There is time to secure a Valentine Texas Pictorial Postmark on your Valentine mailings! This year once again the city of Valentine, Texas will be having a Pictorial Postmark they will add the cancellation to your mail if you send to them. Later in this post, I’m including the details of how to send to them within a larger outer envelope.
Image from last year, 2017
Valentine Texas Pictorial Postmark
The date will be February 14, 2018. I’m seeing where in years past the postmark was inked in red! First of all, it is fine to gather up all of your Valentine’s cards, all addressed, sealed, and stamped, and put into one big envelope.
This is the address you’ll be sending them:
February 14, 2018 City of Valentine Love Station
February 14, 2018
City of Valentine
Love Station
311 West California
Valentine, TX 79854-9998
Second, be sure to read all these details before sealing up that big envelope! I’m including from the current Postal Bulletin 02-01-2018:
“All requests must include a stamped envelope or postcard bearing at least the minimum First-Class Mail® postage. Items submitted for postmark may not include postage issued after the date of the requested postmark. Such items will be returned unserviced.
Customers wishing to obtain a postmark must affix stamps to any envelope or postcard of their choice, address the envelope or postcard to themselves or others, insert a card of postcard thickness in envelopes for sturdiness, and tuck in the flap. Place the envelope or postcard in a larger envelope and address it to: Pictorial Postmarks, followed by the Name of the Station, Address, City, State, ZIP+4® Code, as listed next to the postmark…”
In conclusion, if you are thinking of having this done, now is the time to ACT on our best of intentions and get into the mail quickly!
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. Today is Day 6 of #InCoWriMo 2018!
In Time for Valentine Texas Pictorial Postmark Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today