Vintage Retro Bookmarks Set

This Vintage Retro Bookmarks Set looks to be a great way of including a “little something” with our letter writing. Being able to do so frugally and not look like it is the added bonus!  With this Vintage Retro Bookmarks Set, the pricing is at less than $4 for the entire set of 30 with free standard shipping.  

Ioffersuper Vintage Retro Bookmarks Set

Image Ioffersuper 30pcs Paris Eiffel Tower Vintage Retro Paper Book Mark Bookmark Book Label. This is clickable image linking to item.

You know how when you open a hand written letter, there is a hope the letter writer was adding something extra for you?  I’m constantly on the lookout for light weight personalized items; my letters these days may be including a recipe card, magazine clipping, bookmark, postcard, mini-postcard, or even a few stamps. It might even be a packet of flower seeds (which I would only be sending within the U.S.)

It appears the “catch” is being able to “afford” the time wait of at least three weeks.

Earlier this week I already placed an order for a set and it is showing a March 15 – April 5 date range for its arrival. By the way, yes, I thought about ordering two and when I did then shipping was added, so one set it was for trying it out.

What I don’t know yet is the “feel” of the thickness of the bookmarks; however, I’m also thinking of being able to use the dollar store 4 x 6 self-laminating sheets. This would be for customizing to fit the bookmark size 5.5″ x 2″ (14cm x 5cm). Usually at my local Dollar Tree it offers a set of five for one dollar.

In the background, currently I’m researching having custom AnchoredScraps bookmarks, along with different bookmark kit supplies! Have fun looking around for lightweight “little somethings” to include with your letter writing.

Anchors Aweigh,

P.S. Today is Day 23 of #InCoWriMo2018 for letter writing one letter daily in February.

Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –

Image Ioffersuper 30pcs Paris Eiffel Tower Vintage Retro Paper Book Mark Bookmark Book Label.

You may also include AnchoredScraps Unique Seeded Plant it cards that Grow 9-18-2016







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