The Art of Cursive Handwriting Self-Teaching Workbook

We are looking at The Art of Cursive Handwriting Self-Teaching Workbook for our blog post today. The book by Jenny Pearson came out last year.

Some of the hand written letters I receive have beautiful penmanship. The cursive hand writing is really fantastic!

The official title is “The Art of Cursive Handwriting: A Self-Teaching Workbook”.

First, the 2017 paperback workbook pricing is $9.99.

This is clickable link to The Art of Cursive Handwriting, by Jenny Pearson

Furthermore, it appears to be great for refreshing and/or beginning cursive handwriting.

“This comprehensive 198-page writing instruction guide is designed to help people of all ages (even teens or adults) learn and practice cursive handwriting:

Illustrations show how to make each cursive letter one step at a time.

One chapter includes several tips to deal with tricky cursive letters.

Another chapter helps you memorize the uppercase and lowercase cursive alphabet.

Practice cursive handwriting by copying words or sentences onto blank lines.

The content is suitable for all ages, including tweens, teens, or adults…”

In conclusion, practicing our cursive handwriting can be a great way to constructively build on any doodle marking; with our future letter writing getting to see the benefit!

As a reminder, the Campaign for Cursive deadline for postmarking for all three contests is March 4th.

Here’s to having fun exploring this and similar books (more to follow in future posts!)

 Anchors Aweigh,  


Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today

“The Art of Cursive Handwriting: A Self-Teaching Workbook” by Jenny Pearson, Image, excerpt

You may also enjoy reading AnchoredScraps National Handwriting Day 2018 1-23-2018. Today is AnchoredScraps daily blog post #1101.



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