Making Time for Best of Intentions Letter Writing

Today’s blog topic is on finally Making Time for Best of Intentions Letter Writing and creating it as a recurring category for letter writing.

In my post yesterday in sharing about Saturday Spring Sorting Stationery Supplies, I took it to heart to do some sorting and cleaning up. Fast forward and I now have a small tub labeling “Best of Intentions Letter Writing” for the category.

Image Word ` begin ` wood Cubic on the woodThis is for those “nice to have” letters we think about finally writing but is easy to get distracted.  From doing all of my clearing and sorting, I’m now seeing three of these letters that are in the queue for my letter writing. My plans are to go through this exercise on a monthly basis, and am keeping a log in it too to track my progress.

Previously I’ve even posted on Finally Writing Round Tuit Letters last year, 5-30-2017. What I’m suggesting today is a gathering and actual category for this kind of letter. Hopefully, if you have something similar this will help you too. Best wishes to you too as we continue on this letter writing journey!  Join me tomorrow as we begin a new week here at AnchoredScraps.

 Anchors Aweigh,  


Making Time for Best of Intentions Letter Writing Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today

Image Word ` begin ` wood Cubic on the wood; ID 94210728 © Kitti Kahotong

AnchoredScraps When letters go unanswered (& suggested solution) 7-07-2015, and others listed above.



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