AnchoredScraps Letter Writing Blog encourages old-style correspondence through hand written letters between kindred souls since 2015.
Celebrating Star Wars Day 2018
Today, May 4th is Star Wars Day 2018; I’m including the fun celebrating at Heathrow Airport.
There is also an article over at Travel & Leisure with a recap of Heathrow Airport Departure Board.
And we wrap up with a Star Wars rubber stamp we can use with our letter writing.
Twitter @HeathrowAirport 4:35 AM – 4 May 2018: “Good morning from Heathrow. The force is strong with us today and we’ve got some special new routes. Will you be travelling to galaxies near… or far, far away? #Maythe4th #MayTheFourth #MayThe4thBeWithYou #StarWarsDay “Twitter: @Andrew_Coley 4:11 AM – 4 May 2018: “The Force is strong with @HeathrowAirport departure board; this won’t be beaten on @starwars day! #MayThe4thBeWithYou. Spotted by @Atters_J, epic work @HeathrowAirport. @DeathStarPR #StarWarsDay”
Twitter @HeathrowAirport: “Heathrow Airport posts a Star Wars-themed departure board”; 8:19 AM – 4 May 2018
“Travelers in London can set a course for a galaxy far, far away on May 4.
In honor of Star Wars Day (May 4, which spawns the terrible pun, “may the fourth be with you”), Heathrow Airport in London posted some “special” new routes on its departure board.
Among the destinations includes Tattooine, Jakku, Endor and many other planets from the Star Wars galaxy.
The board itself is riddled with tons of in-jokes and references to the sci-fi franchise. While flights to Tattooine and Endor are on time, anyone who wishes to travel to Alderaan is out of luck. (For those who don’t already know, Alderaan was the planet destroyed by the Empire and Princess Leia’s homeworld.)…”
As we wrap up, I’m including a list of previous Star Wars posts with stationery, stamps, fountain pens, and letter writing – perfect for “May The Fourth Be With You” sentiments.
Thank you for joining me today for my whimsical Star Wars Day 2018 blog post. Even my usual closing signature reflects today’s theme! Join me tomorrow for my Saturday blog post.
May The Fourth Be With You! Helen
P.S. For an extra treat click here, shows “…the Empire’s arrival at LHR…”
Star Wars Day 2018 Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing
Heathrow Airport: images, excerpts from Twitter posts and RT (listing and links above)
Twitter posts as referencing above with image links
T&L article by ANDREA ROMANO MAY 04, 2018 (link above), excerpt