Photographed Letters on Wings V-Mail book

With today being the 74th Anniversary of D-Day, we are looking at the 2018 book Photographed Letters on Wings. It is about V-Mail during WWII. I’m including a YouTube from their March 10 Book Launch discussion about the “two billion microfilmed letters that boosted morale at home and on the Front lines”. 

Published on January 30, 2018

The official title of the book is Photographed Letters on Wings: How Microfilmed V-Mail Helped Win World War II by Tom Weiner with Bill Streeter. 

“… while freeing up much needed space for soldiers and supplies to be flown to the far corners of the world. From the remarkable process that took V-Mail letters and shrunk them so 1,600 could fit on one reel to the extraordinary advertising and artwork that sought to make their use widespread, Photographed Letters on Wings sheds light on both the history of microfilm and the letters that proved enormously beneficial to the war effort.”

You may also enjoy reading from my AnchoredScraps post on July 9, 2015 Paul’s Fountain Pen Journal (Paul Erano); it includes referencing an article on V-Mail.

It shares with us how the US during World War II handled the abrupt ramp-up of armed forces and turned to Kodak for help with how to get mail to everyone and handle the bulkiness.  … The article even includes ads from during that time promoting the use of V-Mail, including an add by Sheaffer’s for their V-mail writing kit…”

In addition, I’m closing with links to these previous AnchoredScraps posts: June 6, 2015 Letters written after D-Day; and June 6, 2016 D-Day Stamp and Letters written after D-Day.



Photographed Letters on Wings Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –

Photographed Letters on Wings, image book cover, excerpt;

 YouTube Booklaunch discussion March 10, 2018,  Northampton Community; Television. Image

AnchoredScraps blog posts referencing above



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