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Owney Dog Day Pictorial Postmark
On this Saturday, over at the Danbury Railway Post Office, there is an Owney Dog Day Pictorial Postmark.
Furthermore, today is the debut of the Scooby Doo stamp. It has truly been a day ‘for the dogs’ at Post Offices.
About the Owney Dog Day Pictorial Postmark
“A celebration honoring the legacy of Owney, the Railway Post Office dog. A centerpiece of the day will be the museum’s fully-restored Pennsylvania Railroad circa-1910 Railway Post Office (RPO) car where a US Postal Service representative will sell stamps and cancel envelopes with a special one-day “Owney Day” pictorial postmark. The event includes a train ride, access to all activities, a free Owney-cacheted envelope, and a free hot dog.”
This is the address for requesting the Owney Dog Day Pictorial Postmark. Please note this timeframe stipulation – be sure to have your request postmarked “no later than 30 days following the requested pictorial postmark date.” Full details for requesting can be found here.
Clickable image linking to AnchoredScraps blog post: “Owney Postal Dog Forever Stamp” by Helen Rittersporn on 8-26-2017