With Gratitude and Thanks

My blog post today finds me With Gratitude and Thanks. This post is a little different.

We continue to be in the midst of the impact of Hurricane Florence and now Tropical Storm Florence. Thank you for the emails from my PenPals that I’ve been receiving asking about how we are doing.  Given we continue to be in the full throws of dealing with everything I’m waiting on blogging about it until a later time.  We are all safe.

Clickable image linking to Etsy Shop IKEnCreate Grateful Card

Our hearts and prayers are for everyone in the entire North Carolina, South Carolina, and the entire region. The kindness in so many ways we have been witnessing has had me in tears with Gratitude and Thanks at least twice since Wednesday.

Today’s daily blog post is #1,298.    I’m closing this post with a different closing sentiment.

With Gratitude and Thanks,


Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today

Image shown Etsy Shop IKEnCreate Grateful Card Set of Eight

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