AnchoredScraps Letter Writing Blog encourages old-style correspondence through hand written letters between kindred souls since 2015.
Call for Letter Writing Paper Aeroplanes for Christmas Tree Festival from The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society
It is a joy to share this Call for Letter Writing Paper Aeroplanes for Christmas Tree Festival! Receiving an invite from The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society inviting AnchoredScraps readers to participate is so much fun!
HELP NEEDED: Paper Aeroplanes from around the World for a Christmas Tree Festival, 6th-8th December. Here is an opportunity to send a little paper plane to add to the tree!
“… send a little Christmas message in the shape of a small paper aeroplane for a Christmas Tree Festival here in Purbeck for The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society. The theme for the Festival this year is “Christmas Around the World” …”
There is no time to waste “thinking” about participating! My letter writing needs to get into the mail tomorrow given The Christmas Tree Festival is Thursday 6th to Saturday 8th December!
From their website: “Can you help us make a lovely tree for the Purbeck Christmas Tree Festival all about letter writing from around the world?”
“We came up with a fab idea of little letters made into paper aeroplanes to decorate our tree and thought how about asking people from all around the UK and the world to write a tiny Christmas letter, make it into a paper aeroplane and then send to THLAS (in an envelope) so it can be included on our Christmas tree. How completely special would that be.”
“… All you need to do is write a little message on a small piece of paper, fashion it into a paper aeroplane, and then send it in an envelope to: …
The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society
PO Box 9347, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 9BG
Combining Letter Writing, paper airplanes, and celebrating the Season is a great combination! Remember the fine print here it is a “tiny Christmas letter, make it into a paper aeroplane and then send”. (Emphasis with bold added by me!)
In conclusion, my sincere Thanks to Dinah for reaching out and calling to our attention! Hip Hip Hooray for fellow letter writing enthusiasts!
Anchors Aweigh,
Call for Letter Writing Paper Aeroplanes … Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today
The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society, image, excerpt