AnchoredScraps Letter Writing Blog encourages old-style correspondence through hand written letters between kindred souls since 2015.
Marvelous MCU Marvel 80th Anniversary Postcard Book
It is a Marvelous MCU theme on this Saturday starting with the Marvel 80th Anniversary Postcard Book available for pre-ordering.
Before beginning, I’m including a YouTube showing the MCU timeline sequence of events leading to Avengers: Endgame. Also, I’m recalling last Sunday I included Go see Avengers Endgame movie on the large screen in my Mother’s Day blog post.
Here’s a YouTube Explaining the Marvelous MCU prior to Avengers: Endgame
THE INFINITY SAGA: Road to Endgame – A Marvel Cinematic Universe Retrospective (2008 – 2019) Yoko Higuchi, Published on Apr 23, 2019
“In 2008, “Iron Man” kickstarted the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In 2019, “Avengers: Endgame” will end the 3 phases of the MCU, now titled “The Infinity Saga”. This is the culmination of 11 years of comic book storytelling… In honor of this huge cinematic event, I present to you this retrospective of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, beginning with “Iron Man” and ending with “Avengers: Endgame”.
Upcoming Marvel 80th Anniversary Postcard Book
You’ll be noticing the sequence I’m showing is the October pre-order first, and in the following section have the September pre-ordering Marvel Postcard book.
Marvel 80th Anniversary Postcard Book Paperback – Release date October 8, 2019, Various Artists, 84 pages
“Beloved images from throughout Marvel history, now in collectible postcard format! … Your favorite heroes – and maybe a few villains – are captured here … from across eight decades of Marvel majesty, all illustrated by the artistic superstars of every era! … ISBN-10: 130291894X
ISBN-13: 978-1302918941
Marvels Postcard Book by Alex Ross, Illustrator
Secondly, here is the offering available a month earlier.
Marvels Postcard Book Paperback – Release date September 10, 2019, on Amazon, 84 pages
“Commemorate 25 years of Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross’ MARVELS with this postcard collection curated from Ross’ exquisite painted artwork for the landmark series! … Whether you choose Captain America, the Silver Surfer, Spider-Man or any of the other stunning cards in this set, it’s guaranteed to be the best-looking piece of mail they’ve ever received!” … ISBN-10: 1302918893; ISBN-13: 978-1302918897
Furthermore, both of these Marvel Postcard Paperbacks have pre-ordering price guarantee of $19.99 at Amazon.
When comparing their respective ISBN numbers they are different.
Before leaving, I’m including the official Marvel 80th Anniversary link over at Marvel. In conclusion, have fun watching the above YouTube and considering the Marvel postcard books.
Join me tomorrow for my Sunday blog post with my retro all things old are new again perspective with a typewriter-inspired item. This blog post idea first began while walking in the College of Engineering at NC State University’s Centennial Campus at WordCamp Raleigh 2019 and seeing the item on display among “museum” personal computers found me recruiting a buddy to take photos and send to me!
In the meantime, here’s to a Marvelous weekend ahead.
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. You will want to check out Current Summer Savings Sale this weekend only with Free shipping on EVERY order, NO minimum!
Marvelous MCU Marvel 80th Anniversary Postcard Book Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
Yoko Higuchi YouTube THE INFINITY SAGA: Road to Endgame – A Marvel Cinematic Universe Retrospective (2008 – 2019)