We are Celebrating Milestone Dates, specifically today’s date of June 20, 2019, with the Lincoln Highway Association Pictorial Postmark.
First, I’m sharing a creative approach in case you are wanting to ‘go back’ and celebrate a milestone date.
Second, in my case, I’m fortunately finding a Pictorial Postmark for today – hooray! I’ll have more on the motivation for wanting to do so at the end of my post.

Thirdly, the creativity of celebrating milestone dates using Pictorial Postmarks affords us the ability to send a card off for the postmark date with the celebratory card!
Lincoln Highway Association Pictorial Postmark
Next, in today’s USPS Postal Bulletin 22522, it includes listing the Lincoln Highway Association Pictorial Postmark. Their conference is underway June 18-21, 2019 in Rock Springs, WY.
Furthermore, I’m including this Lincoln Highway Association link, “Celebrating America’s first cross-country roadway”.
“The lincoln highway was the first transcontinental road for automobiles in the United States, dedicated in 1913. It winds its way over 3,000 miles between New York City and San Francisco.“
June 20, 2019 Lincoln Highway Association Lincoln Highway Association Conference Station Postmaster 2829 Commercial Way Rock Springs, WY 82901-9998 |
As we wrap up, here’s the rest of the story. I’m sending off for the Lincoln Highway Association Pictorial Postmark with a Congratulations card celebrating the arrival of a dear PEO girlfriend’s news of the arrival today of their first grandson earlier this morning! On the outside of the envelope, I’ll be putting a cachet with the baby’s name and date too. I’m hoping by sharing this idea it will be of help for you doing something similar, at least adding to your toolkit of creative ideas.
Also, I would be remiss if I did not thank an AnchoredScraps email subscriber for emailing me months ago about doing something similar for celebrating a big milestone date in their family. In writing my post, I’m recalling the joy he was sharing in how well received the postmark was embraced when presenting it.
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. Today is AnchoredScraps daily blog post #1576, the countdown continues to #1600!
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
USPS Pictorial Postmarks Announcement, 6-20-2019
Lincoln Highway Association 2019 Conference in Rock Springs, WY
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