In today’s USPS Pictorial Postmarks Announcement there are seven locations I’m seeing participating in the 1969 First Moon Landing Pictorial Postmarks available for July 20, 2019. I’m seeing a total of 14 pictorial postmarks available in the listing today relating to celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11. I’m including all of them in my post below.
First, this quick reminder Hallmark Free Card Friday continues to be underway each Friday through September 27, 2019
1969 First Moon Landing Pictorial Postmarks July 20
For this first section, “The following pictorial postmarks are not extended, but grouped together since the artwork and date are the same.” July 20, 2019 United States Postal Service Higley, AZ Station Postmaster 3324 East Ray Road Higley, AZ 85236-9998 |
Also, the upcoming Charlotte Philatelic Society CHARPEX show is also showing the 1969 First Moon Landing Pictorial Postmark, with July 27 date for the show.
In addition, there are six other July 20 Pictorial Postmarks special cancellations available celebrating Apollo 11 50th Anniversary.
Furthermore, when looking at the full listing there are also cities celebrating bicentennials, sesquicentennials, etc. at the USPS Postal Bulletin 22524. The details for requesting if the process is new to you is there too.
Seeing these 1969 First Moon Landing Pictorial Postmarks for July 20 reminds me of the series we were looking at back in my 2017 August 21 Eclipse Pictorial Postmarks Challenge (8-21-2017). As I was mentioning back on Tuesday this week, join me tomorrow as we celebrate the “1969: First Moon Landing Forever stamps on July 19th celebrating the 50th anniversary.”
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
USPS Postal Bulletin 22524
You may also enjoy AnchoredScraps Apollo 11th Launch 50th Anniversary Pictorial Cancellation July 16, 2019, 7-16-2019; Hallmark Free Card Fridays are back through September 27, 2019, 7-05-2019