We are looking at a snapshot calendar view for helping realize any Letter Writing Aspirations Goal Setting 4th Quarter 2019.
There are <92 days to New Years 2020.
Today begins the 4th Quarter 2019 and with it the nudge of adding and/or revising any items still wanting to accomplish before the end of this year. In addition, identifying the steps to make it happen. The images of three-month view and New Year Countdown below is from TimeandDate.com.
Letter Writing Aspirations Goal Setting 4th Quarter 2019
72 days from today, December 11, is the upcoming milestone date of writing daily blog post #1750 – and the Project Manager in me is looking at what letter writing accomplishments I’m wanting to personally achieve by then, as well as goals for AnchoredScraps, and continuing launching my new business.
My reason for showing this calendar view of the remaining three months 2019 is for considering pausing for a moment and jot down some ideas. I’m already thinking, I will be printing today’s post and insert with a few letters writing this week.
The below listing by the week in each month is from my own checklist.

Thank you for joining me today. Here’s to a great month of October 2019 and (at least begin thinking about) Letter Writing Aspirations Goal Setting 4th Quarter 2019!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –
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- Pinpointing our (letter-writing) goals 8-09-2015