We are bidding adieu to the month with the AnchoredScraps September 2019 Letter Writing Blog Recap. Also, in looking ahead to next month, I’m already seeing us reaching daily blog post #1700 milestone on Tuesday, October 22, 2019!

To begin with, the image I’m showing here is the beautiful Grateful Fall Cards by TheRusticMarketCo from Texas.
They come in a set of four original cards with envelopes with twine wrapping. And I’m loving the oversized feature worth noting only requiring one Forever stamp for mailing.
Furthermore, I’m especially grateful for the journey that continues to unfold here each day as we celebrate and encourage old-school correspondence letter writing.
AnchoredScraps September 2019 Letter Writing Blog Recap
Next, in putting together the month recap, I’m seeing the daily blog post numbers ranged from #1649 to #1678!
Lastly, in the recap below of each day’s blog posts for September 2019, you may see some you are wanting to revisit and/or catch up on any may have been missed.
September 1-15th
September 16-30th
Again, thank you so much for continuing to be on this daily blog journey with me.
In conclusion, tomorrow will find us greeting October 2019! See you then!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –
TheRusticMarketCompany Etsy Shop
AnchoredScraps September 2019 Letter Writing Blog Recap, images for each entry shown have attributions on their respective individual posts, all posts written by Helen Rittersporn