Girls Love Mail Making Difference Letter Writing for Breast Cancer Support

This morning, we are looking at the Girls Love Mail nonprofit recently in the news. In my blog yesterday, I was sharing today we are beginning to look at an example each day of how letter writing is making a difference, especially perfect timing as we are approaching Thanksgiving.

First, my sincere thanks to Bill Zimmerman for sharing the recent article about them with me. Here is a screenshot of his recent Tweet on it.

Washington Post article Girls Love Mail Letter Writing Impact

Next, here’s a brief excerpt from the Washington Post, from “‘You can do this!’ Breast cancer support campaign shows power of handwritten letters”. 

“A single card, written by a stranger, became an important touchstone for the recipient, a woman who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The woman kept the card on her nightstand and read it every night before bed. She brought it with her to every appointment.

“That was the only card she got,” says Gina Mulligan, founder of Girls Love Mail, a nonprofit that sends handwritten cards and letters of support to breast cancer patients across the United States.

Such is the power of one missive. Consider that multiplied across 145,000 letters, the number forwarded since the charity began in 2011…”

“Once Mulligan emerged from treatment — at age 51, she is now 10 years cancer-free — she mulled over how to help others. She was thinking about the various campaigns to support U.S. military troops and had a lightbulb moment — she could organize letters for breast cancer warriors. “Letters are tangible; you can reread them,” Mulligan says. “You get that feeling of not being alone, of being cared for.”

It continues with how it works to participate in sending a handwritten letter.  You’ll want to take a few minutes and sit down and enjoy reading the inspiring article including a photo showing “Volunteer letter readers at work. Approved letters will be sent to 165 cancer centers nationwide. (Grant Mulligan/Girls Love Mail).”

Girls Love Mail Website

On their site, under “Groups” is a collection of great download free PDF kits, think of it as an ingredients list for groups ranging from women’s groups, girl scouts, teacher, college groups, book club, corporate events, etc. It lists some of the participating groups.

Furthermore, under “Partners” the listing of partners is impressive.

Lastly, check out under “Guidelines” for Letter Writing Guidelines of a checklist to follow. Especially wonderful is there is a real snail mail address at the bottom of the page for sending.

This is a screenshot of the banner, clickable image linking

As we wrap up, it is an honor to be sharing about Girls Love Mail with you this morning. Thank you for joining me today.

See you tomorrow as we continue this series of looking at examples of letter writing making a difference. Until then!

Anchors Aweigh,  


P.S. In case you are new to my daily blog, here is a link to previous blog posts here featuring Bill Zimmerman. Thanks again, Bill!

Attribution & Thank you to the following who I referenced above –

Washington Post, October 29, 2019, article by Erika Mailman @ErikaMailman

Twitter @MakeBeliefs4U 9:27 PM Nov 1, 2019

Girls Love Mail, @girlslovemail

AnchoredScraps Thanksgiving letter writing season is upon us 11-13-2019



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