Seeing the Epiphany Large Postcard Style Greeting Cards is perfect timing. The 12 Days of Christmas runs through today, the Epiphany, January 6th. Tomorrow I’ll take down the wreath and exterior items for the Christmas season; for now though, how nice earlier in driving through the neighborhood at dusk, seeing a few other homes with still having the decorations up.
“Perfect to mail out for Epiphany on January 6th or frame one to give as a special gift.”

Over on Etsy, the set of six Epiphany Large Postcard Style Greeting Cards, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, is available for $12. The set includes six plain white envelopes.
“Nice large size Christmas, Epiphany flat cards with the 3 Magi traveling to Bethlehem.
Let’s all shout “fiddle sticks!” to those who say the art of sending a hand written note is dead. Plus, how often do you get to shout fiddle sticks? I’m thinking never…”
On a personal note before closing, it is now five years since losing Dad. I am finding great comfort with this day for multiple reasons and especially putting a bookend onto the Holidays – AND looking forward as we continue in the New Year!
Thank you for being on this daily blog post journey with me – see you tomorrow.
Anchors Aweigh,
Epiphany Large Postcard Style Greeting Cards Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today
TheSocietyofSaints Shop – Original Holy Cards, Catholic Jewelry, and Chaplets, on Etsy since 2009
Previous AnchoredScraps blog posts on this day include:
- Epiphany Three Kings Day Christmas Magi Stamp 1-06-2017
- Discovering Three Kings Card (12-27-2018)
- Willow Tree Note Cards Stationery 1-06-2019