Today is AnchoredScraps 1900 Daily Blog Post Milestone celebrating Letter Writing!
Thank you for continuing to be on this daily blog journey with me, encouraging old-style correspondence letter writing. Your making the time to put pen to paper does make a difference, and especially in today’s world I’m finding it especially a treasure to send and receive snail mail.

In looking ahead, August 17, 2020, we will be celebrating #2000 in 2020!
It will be interesting to see where we are then with the Coronavirus pandemic.
Celebrating Letter Writing AnchoredScraps 1900 Daily Blog Posts
As is tradition, I’m including this quote of mine every 100 blog posts Milestones.
“Any Tendency for procrastination must be contained within 24 hours each day…because the timestamp is going to occur regardless.” – Helen Rittersporn,
You will see below my using Elementor Pro in WordPress with the table of clickable images linking to each of their respective milestone posts.
In looking ahead, August 17, 2020, we will be celebrating #2000 in 2020! It will be interesting to see where we are then with the Coronavirus pandemic. Now more than ever, it is especially important and special to be writing letters sending sharing appreciation and encouragement.
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day 2020, (and also my Birthday!). See you then!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today
Header images showing above are each attributed in their respective blog posts
AnchoredScraps – Daily encouraging letter writing since February 26, 2015; categories include postcards, stamps, fountain pens, typewriters, postmarks, stationery, personal organization, and other life interests and observations by Helen Rittersporn